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UFCU seminars and events are built upon four pillars of financial health, designed to help you at every stage of your journey: spending, saving, borrowing, and planning.
If you have a high school student, college may be a hot topic of conversation in your household. The possibilities of which colleges your student could apply to and worries about how to pay for a college education can feel overwhelming. Get a clearer picture of the process by joining us for a complimentary webinar. We’ll cover key questions to think about when building your student’s list of colleges to apply to, how to calculate college costs, financial aid, and other funding considerations.
Hosted by the UFCU Investment Services, available through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. at UFCU.*
*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. ("CFS"), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. UFCU has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members.
While it may seem far away, the holiday season is just around the corner! Join GreenPath to prepare your holiday spending and be ready to approach the season with confidence. This webinar will walk you through the steps to financially prepare for the holidays, explore ways you can leverage discounts and rewards, and help you reduce the financial stress around the holidays.
Who Should Attend?
What You Will Learn:
Presented by:
Are you interested in better understanding credit reports, credit scores, and how they work together?
Millions of people are unaware they have errors on their credit report. We can point you in the direction to find out if you are one of them and equip you to take action to correct inaccuracies.
Maybe you know what is on your credit report but are unsure how it all comes together to calculate a credit score. We will discuss the factors impacting a credit score, how to build or improve your score, and debunk common credit myths.
Don’t give criminals easy access to the personal information on your old paperwork by tossing it in the trash. Shred it instead to keep your identity safe. Together with Goodwill Central Texas, we’re hosting a free shredding event to help you keep your identity secure. Bring up to two file boxes of paper per household for free, confidential shredding. Commercial high-volume shredders, courtesy of Iron Mountain, will be on-site to shred your records. UFCU Asset Protection team members will also be available to answer your questions about identity theft or other fraud issues.
Mark your calendars now!*
* Weather permitting